Wednesday, August 31, 2005
FB What table scraps?
I've always pictured our home with a backyard. In that backyard though aren't just rose bushes, lilies-of-the-valley, carnations or sampaguita vines but also rows of bell peppers, jalapenos, siling labuyo, ginger, carrots, green beans, bitter melon, celery, basil, sage, thyme, lovage, onions, garlic, cucumbers, and other vegetable plants. Somewhere in the back is a nice compost pit where every night one of my kids would join me to add today's "garbage" in the pit. Malou, at the same time, would place into sealable plastic bags the leftover chicken bones, shrimp shells or wine. Those bags would then join the other bags of discarded carrot tops, parmesan rinds, leftover wine in a separate freezer. Of course the entire house is working off the day's solar charge while sending some up to the local power utility. While in bed, my wife and I would be thinking of the soups and stocks we would be making tomorrow night. Read this article to know what you could do with the food that's left behind.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
FB Being On My Own
Friday, August 26, 2005
FB When School Starts...
Ahh I could remember those days during May when you could feel the start of a new school year just coming around the corner. You would probably start seeing advertising for back to school sales. I could still remember going back to school just to line up and purchase all the school approved books and materials we needed for the rest of the year. The smell of plastic covers for the books, the feel of the #2 mongol pencil, the bright colors of the new uniform all just come rushing back to me right now. To be honest, I've always looked forward to school every year because I knew I would find something new to look forward to.
One of the hardest things for a child is the morning ritual that happens during the start of new school year. Read this article if you want some helpful tips in preparing your kids for the coming school year.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
FB TROOH 3 - Everything's up...
Here I was, all ready to start renting for the first time in my life and now, even rents are increasing! As mortgage rates are staying where they are but average home prices have dropped a bit, landlords have now started to increase rents and/or take away perks (free two months rent, very low security deposits or down payments). Though it shouldn't surprise me that as oil prices go up, everything else starts going up too. All you can do is just wait for the market to settle down and hopefully it won't be too late before you can "buy" your own home.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
FB Assisted Marriages
I've met an Indian couple a long time ago whose marriage was arranged by their parents. At first, the wife was hesitant with her husband as the only time she met him was just before the wedding! The husband, on the other hand, fell in love with her immediately and really tried hard to show her how much she meant to him. Eventually, they had two wonderful kids and are happily living in suburbia somewhere in Illinois.
Apparently, nowadays, single South Asians have more say in choosing their partners. In this article, parents are still choosing the prospective suitors or who they want their sons to court but the children now have veto power. I now wonder what would have happened to those friends of ours if they could choose whom to marry.
Hmm I wonder if we're considered an assisted marriage.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
FB I miss having a pet
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
FB Ranting, Raving and What Could They Be Thinking!?!?
Monday, August 15, 2005
FB 60th Anniversary Kiss
Ich liebe dich meine Schatz!
Oh if you want to see the original picture, click here!
Sunday, August 14, 2005
FB Just wanted to share...
What do you usually do with the forwarded emails you get from your friends, co-workers, or relatives? Do you immediately route them to your trash bin, forward it along to a list of other people you regularly forward emails to or, , read it then forward it to people you know who should get it? To be honest, I usually get rid of the emails after perusing them if at all. Today though I got an email from a friend and I though I should share it with all those in the same situation as Malou and I, who are in a loving and supportive relationship and are getting married.
“They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company.
Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus” – Acts 15:39
Since 1949, Cliff Barrows has been the Music and Program
Director for the Billy Graham Crusades. From 1950 to the
present, he has served as the Program Director for "Hour of
Decision" radio program. During Billy Graham Crusades, he is
known for singing songs like, “His Eye is on the Sparrow,” and
often, lead the congregation in “Just As I Am.”
He has said that early on in the Billy Graham Ministry, the four
men who would be instrumental in its success decided on four
core values. They were “integrity, accountability, purity, and
humility.” These values are central in all the ministry does and the
team prays over all issues all of the time. It has been instrumental
in keeping them together for more than 50 years.
Cliff said one time, “There are twelve words that hold a family
together....” In fact, we could say, these twelve words will hold a
marriage together, a family together, a church together and most
other relationships together.
These twelve words are: “I WAS WRONG. I AM SORRY.
Disagreements will come, how you handle them will either bring
glory or dishonor to the Lord. Today in prayer, thank Christ that
in every disagreement, there is a way that can bring glory to
“Ask the Lord to help you resolve conflicts in ways that bring the
greatest glory to the Lord. Demonstrate the highest wisdom in
respect to each person’s gifts, callings and spiritual maturity.”
– Paul Fritz
God’s Word: “But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies
and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are
unprofitable and useless.” – Titus 3:9
By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2005
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
FB TROOH 2 - So near yet so far...
Friday, August 05, 2005
FB My Answer to two questions...
1. What are the things you enjoy doing even when there's no one around you?
I enjoy reading. I have always been a book worm and I don't think that will change. Most likely its because of the silence when I'm reading specially if it's a good book. The world sort of melts away as I picture in my mind what is happening in the book.
Cooking. Most of the time if I cook I take care of all the prep, the actual cooking and the cleanup afterwards.
2. What lowers your stress/ blood pressure/ anxiety level?
Prayers and reading a good book.
3. Tag five friends and ask them to post it in theirs.
Wait a minute I thought I was only supposed to answer two questions? Why is there directions for this activity?
Anyway, if I had to choose from amongst my friends to answer the same two questions, I would choose the following (assuming they see this blog and they know it's me )
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
FB Interesting flowers, wonder if they'll...
Apparently, this is the Chiba prefecture flower symbol. The oils from this plant could be used as biodiesel! That is so cool! Notice the large energy generating wind wheel in the background. This picture was taken somewhere in Eastern Germany. Oh I also lifted this picture from an article in Newsweek International Edition.