Friday, August 05, 2005

FB My Answer to two questions...

1. What are the things you enjoy doing even when there's no one around you?

I enjoy reading. I have always been a book worm and I don't think that will change. Most likely its because of the silence when I'm reading specially if it's a good book. The world sort of melts away as I picture in my mind what is happening in the book.

Cooking. Most of the time if I cook I take care of all the prep, the actual cooking and the cleanup afterwards.

2. What lowers your stress/ blood pressure/ anxiety level?

Prayers and reading a good book.

3. Tag five friends and ask them to post it in theirs.

Wait a minute I thought I was only supposed to answer two questions? Why is there directions for this activity?

Anyway, if I had to choose from amongst my friends to answer the same two questions, I would choose the following (assuming they see this blog and they know it's me )


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