Tuesday, August 16, 2005

FB Ranting, Raving and What Could They Be Thinking!?!?

This article really makes me mad. And they say their doing it to move "... readers to a higher level of maturity." Cr@p. That is plain BS. Yes it does seem that children nowadays seem mature for their age but does that include s**ual maturity? Am I a prude for saying so? If it means protecting kids, specially our kids one of these days, from this garbage then YES, I am a PRUDE and proud of it! I would prefer that parents tell their kids about the birds and the bees rather than reading it from some book or hearing it from their friends. The more you clarify what s** is the better prepared your kids are from peer pressure. Also, why promote this kind of behavior in kids? Just because some kids consider oral s** not s** doesn't mean all of them are looking to give someone oral s** or receive from another oral s**. What do you think?

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