Wednesday, February 15, 2006

GTB 1 - Getting the basics... Broadband

One of the first things I looked for in an apartment or house is the cable and phone jacks. Being born in this generation requires an online presence. Since dial-up is slowly dying out, and I have no plans on getting email via a 52kbps connectionI, I started scouting around for the best broadband provider that fits our budget and our needs.

I initially wanted a package but found out that they either do not serve it in our building or the price keeps increasing every year. It was a good thing that my DSL provider doesn't require a voice connection because we plan on getting cell phones with a family plan. So I placed an order a couple of days ago and was checking on it for the past two days. At first they couldn't find my request as I did not request a voice connection. It took six or seven transfers before I could talk with someone who could find my account. I made sure I got all the pertinent info I needed from him so that next time I call, I would know what to identify myself with. I thought that would be it but then I got an email today about my modem getting shipped to my address. When I checked the address, it was missing a critical piece of information! I called them up again but they said it shouldn't be a problem. They will update my record and when the delivery company comes around, I could opt to pick the package up myself. Let's see if I can get the package before I leave next week.

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