Monday, September 19, 2005

FB Don't think your kids are watching you? Think again!

Do you remember those old commercials where you see adults throwing garbage out in the streets or jaywalking and then you see their kids looking at them? Here's an article about how kids are imitating what they observe from their parents when it comes to alcohol and smoking. Hmm, it looks like I won't be having that wine bar at home then until all the kids are in college.
My dad was a chain smoker when I was growing up. Fortunately, he's stopped cold turkey when we were older. I do remember though that my dad would avoid smoking when we were around but even if he used perfume, the stink of tobacco smoke still clung to him. When my siblings and I grew up we NEVER wanted to try tobacco. We just knew it was bad news and didn't need it in our lives. So I think, it really depends on how you were raised and the company you keep. Then again, you have the final say if you want to smoke (or drink or whatever else) or not.

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