Thursday, September 01, 2005

FB It's just you and me -- right?

Ahh the challenges a young couple faces after marriage. There is the constant threat of missing dinners because of work, forgetting special dates (ok that's mostly on the men's side), pressure on having kids and a whole lot more. Of course, there is the matter of fidelity. This article is saying that people think, at times, that their fling(s) don't count. That since more and more people are having unattached relationships, monogamy is an afterthought, something to work towards to. Even if most people say that married couples should have a monogamous relationship, they also believe that if one strays, the other won't leave him or her immediately. Between my fiancee and I, I think we'll be sticking to one another like a piece of peanut butter sandwich to the roof of one's mouth.

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