Tuesday, September 27, 2005

FB TDGOT 3 - Never a better time...

It's been a while since we've posted here. Hey I'm just glad people still come by every once in a while to read our squished column. In the next couple of weeks things should start picking up as we finally begin our wedding preps in earnest. See you soon Schatz!

My college days were spent taking care of computer labs. Well, mostly we would just hang around, take a student ID, and assign them a computer. If there ever was any problems, it would be some weird virus a student would bring or the occasional jammed up dot matrix printer! Mostly, I would just wait for the end of the month so I could get my paycheck. Fortunately that helped me out with commuting and a little for fun. Most of it would go to paying for books I would need for the new trimester. Ahh to be somewhat self reliant!
Here's another article on helping college kids with their budget for the new year.

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