Wednesday, September 07, 2005

FB TDGOT 1 -They don't grow on trees...

In this article, they discuss some tips on how to guide your kids through something even adults have problems with -- money. When I was growing up, I was never given an allowance by my parents. The only time I would receive money was during my birthday or Christmas. Other than that, I learned about how to handle money from observing how my mom took care of our household expenses. When I started saving my aguinaldo's and monetary presents, I would usually hold off on buying candy or something frivolous for something a lot more substantial. When I lost my first wallet, I pretty much made sure all my cash was in the bank and I just brought my ATM card with me wherever I go (of course my Dad helped me out with that one). Of course I made sure I had enough money to pay for my fare. I still get a gentle ribbing from my good friends whenever we go out and I'm the only one paying with a credit card for a $10 lunch.
What about you? How did you learn about managing your finances?

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